ZOOM Presentation – https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/-89lKJC312NLHZXI8mSPU6kdJrn3T6a81yUZq_ZbmhyJsX7mcBOy4PKmPgHIdKj1?startTime=1589484381000

3 Critical Approaches for Rowing Equipment 2 (PPT slides)


  Mike Davenport -Owner and Operator at MaxRigging

Mike’s rowing equipment experience began when he was a college freshman and tripped over an oar. That’s the moment when he realized that rowing equipment was special, deserving of respect.Mike went on to become a collegiate coach for 35 years. He was named Mid-Atlantic Rowing Conference (MARC) Coach of the Year in 2013, 2015, and 2016. He was also named the National Coach of the Year for Division III by the CRCA and served as Washington College’s compliance coordinator, as well as Lecturer for a variety of courses. Mike was also apart of the U.S. National Rowing Team for two years as assistant coach and then moved on to be boatman for the 1992-1996.

Mike has authored numerous books on rowing & coaching and is a regular presenter at coaching conferences, workshops, and conventions.As an expert consultant, author, and professional speaker, he enjoys teaching about rowing and rigging. Mike also currently a National Recruiting Coordinator for Tudor Collegiate Strategies.